Tag Archives: beauvais lake provincial park

Beauvais Lake Birds – Part II

While visiting Beauvais Lake Provincial Park in late May, I watched a pair of red-necked grebes as they constructed a nest of twigs and aquatic vegetation in shallow water, along the western edge of the lake. It took the birds about a week to complete their nest. Over the next three weeks, I returned more than a half dozen times to photograph the grebes as they incubated their eggs.

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Beauvais Lake Birds – Part I

A number of weeks ago, several southern Alberta photographer friends shared some of their recent bird photos with me. Among these were images of great blue herons, red-winged and yellow-headed blackbirds, Canada geese, and turkey vultures, the latter of which are seldom seen in this part of the province.

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Ice-Out Observations

Waiting for the ice to melt on a frozen lake can be like watching paint dry. You have to be patient because sometimes it can take a while. Ice-out is a few weeks late this year but it appears to be starting on several of our local lakes. Continue reading »

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Family Day Outing

Castle Mountain Resort

Castle Mountain Resort

Yesterday was the third Monday of February, which meant it was Family Day in Alberta. It’s a statutory holiday in our province, so the majority of people were off work and schools were closed for the day. This holiday was introduced in 1990 as a way to promote the importance of families and family values in the province. A lot of families took advantage of the holiday, and long weekend, and spent some quality time doing things together. Many communities held special Family Day events and the province offered free admission to its historic sites, museums, and parks. Continue reading »

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