Tag Archives: crowsnest pass christmas

‘Tis the Season

I was going through some of my photos last week when I came across several that I took a few years ago. A couple of these were taken while snowshoeing with friends on the outskirts of Bellevue, on a snow-covered ridge overlooking Turtle Mountain and the Frank Slide.

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Christmas 2020

It’s going to be a different Christmas this year, to be sure. Things will be a lot quieter than what we are accustomed to. Most of us will be staying at home with members of our household. I suspect a lot of people will be celebrating Christmas dinner with their families over FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom. It’s a good thing Santa is immune to the pandemic and has been provided world-wide clearance to make his rounds, come Christmas Eve.

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Christmas in Crowsnest Pass

If you have been traveling around Crowsnest Pass lately, you have probably noticed some of the Christmas decorations on display in our communities. Some people have gone to great lengths to decorate their properties for the holidays, while others have taken a slightly different approach.

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The Colors of Christmas

There are lots of Christmas lights on display around Crowsnest Pass at the moment. Each evening, as darkness approaches, a festival of lights appear throughout the various towns. Thousands upon thousands of bulbs in colors of red, green, yellow, and blue, begin to sparkle and light up the night-time sky. Continue reading »

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White Christmas

Blairmore Gazebo

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. The festive season is upon us, including right here in Crowsnest Pass. For a while, it appeared as if we were going to have a “brown” Christmas – one without snow on the ground. They are rare and I can’t say when we last experienced this, but I remember living through one or two of them years ago while residing in the prairie flatlands east of here.

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First Day of Winter

View of Bellevue, Crowsnest Pass

View of Bellevue, Crowsnest Pass

Our weather has really improved here since last week and it’s not nearly as cold anymore. The polar vortex has retreated, just in time for the arrival of winter. Today is the December solstice, the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It also happens to be the shortest day of the year, in terms of daylight hours. Continue reading »

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