Monthly Archives: April 2017

Prairie Crocuses & Yellowbells

I enjoy photographing wildflowers this time of year. Prairie crocuses and yellowbells have been in bloom for at least a couple of weeks and I’ve been admiring them on some of my recent hikes and walks. It wasn’t until a couple of days ago, though, that I packed my camera gear along with the intention of taking a few pictures. Continue reading »

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Signs of Spring

It’s beginning to look and feel more and more like spring around here every day. The days are growing longer and temperatures are beginning to warm. Much of the snow at lower elevations has melted and the valley is showing signs that it is about to transform from one season to the next. All of our rivers and streams have become ice-free and some of the lakes are starting to open now, too. Ducks, Canada geese, and other migratory waterfowl have returned from their southern winter retreats, and are searching for suitable nesting sites. It’s been two weeks since I saw a flock of mountain bluebirds in Crowsnest Pass. You know spring is knocking at the door when these colorful birds make their appearance in this part of the province. Continue reading »

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