Tag Archives: crowsnest pass outdoors

Ice-Out Observations

Waiting for the ice to melt on a frozen lake can be like watching paint dry. You have to be patient because sometimes it can take a while. Ice-out is a few weeks late this year but it appears to be starting on several of our local lakes. Continue reading »

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Cabin Fever

Spring has been late arriving this year and it’s beginning to look like it’s going to bypass us altogether. It almost seems as if winter is here to stay for good. Although the first day of spring officially occurred three weeks ago, on March 20th, there have been few spring-like days, thus far. The weather doesn’t always behave as we think it should, and it seldom pays attention to what time of year the calendar says it’s supposed to be. All I know is the prolonged wait for spring has caused an increase in the cases of cabin fever. With some individuals, symptoms have gone from mild to severe. Almost everyone I know has had their fill of winter and are anxious to get outdoors to enjoy some sunshine and warmth, and maybe indulge in a few favorite spring activities. Continue reading »

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Another Walk in the Woods

In early January, I posted an article here of a snowshoeing trip I made along Allison Creek, west of Coleman in Crowsnest Pass. Since then, we’ve received a pile more snow in the Pass. Warm Chinook winds that often blow over the Rockies from the Pacific have been few and far between this winter. As a result, there has not been a lot of melting going on. Street corners and boulevards in our towns are lined with snowbanks, piled ten feet high in places. Backyards and front yards are filled to capacity. Everyone is running out of space to put their snow. For the past two months, there’s either been too much snow for me to shovel on my days off, or it’s been way too cold outside to even bother getting out on my snowshoes. All that changed a couple of days ago when I was able to go for another walk in the woods. Continue reading »

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Walk in the Woods

It’s been bitterly cold in Crowsnest Pass over the past couple of weeks. In addition to this, we were whacked with a huge amount of snow during this time. If I wasn’t clearing snow outside, I was inside trying to stay warm. Temperatures have been on the rise over the past several days and by yesterday morning it had warmed up enough for me to head outdoors for a long-awaited walk in the woods.
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Fun in the Snow

There’s plenty of snow available in and around Crowsnest Pass this winter and conditions are ideal for a variety of outdoor activities, including snowshoeing. The great thing about living in the Pass is its close proximity to the backcountry. You don’t have to travel very far to enjoy some fun in the snow. All you have to do is keep an eye on the weather and then head outdoors when the opportunity presents itself. Yesterday, I had a chance to do just that. Continue reading »

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