Green Grass & Happy Trout

The recent rains we have been receiving in Crowsnest Pass have been very beneficial for the area. Not only have these rains been keeping everything lush and green, but they have also been good for our local trout streams. Water levels are holding up well on all of our rivers this summer. As a result, the fish are feisty, fat, and happy.

Earlier this week, I was able to get out on the Crowsnest River. The fishing was productive but the best part was that I didn’t encounter another angler all day. This seldom happens, especially this time of the year.

Path to the river
Water flowing bank to bank

Stream flows are higher on the Crow than they were last year at this time, and it was touch and go in a few places when crossing the river. I had to be careful, in order to avoid going for an unwanted dip.

Productive waters ahead

Some of the rainbows I caught were bright and silvery in coloration, while others were heavily spotted, sporting vivid pink stripes along their sides. They had a lot of spunk when hooked and were strong fighters, using the heavy current to their advantage. Eventually, most were landed, and all were released.

A healthy Crowsnest River rainbow trout
Cell phone selfie

“A good gamefish is too valuable to be caught only once. The fish you release today is your gift to another angler tomorrow.”
– Lee Wulff 1938

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  1. J Walter August 21, 2019 at 8:35 pm #

    Hi Vic,
    It’s been a while since I saw you last in your shop. Great to see that you are out and about fishing the Crow. Nice healthy fish and may they treat you well.

    • Vic Bergman August 21, 2019 at 9:04 pm #


      I’m glad you checked out my blog. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. robert garnier August 5, 2019 at 2:12 pm #

    Vic; Very green indeed…starting to turn brown now. Nice pics and great rainbows! Beefy fish! It is good you took a break to get in some angling as season is advancing.
    Nice post.

    • Vic Bergman August 5, 2019 at 4:37 pm #

      Hi Robert,

      The warm temps are starting to brown things up, that’s for sure. There’s some rain in forecast later in the week, so hopefully that will help. I hope to get out real soon, again. It will be September, before you know it. Oh well, that’s my favorite time of the year to be on the river. I’ve been enjoying the latest posts on your blog. Thanks for stopping in.

  3. Terry H July 27, 2019 at 12:29 pm #

    Great pictures Vic — makes me want to go fishing. I recognized a few of my secret spots too. And some day you’ll have to explain what you tell those fish that makes them pose so nicely.

    • Vic Bergman July 27, 2019 at 5:10 pm #

      Hi Terry,

      Glad you like the pictures. I thought you might know where those spots are. I promise not to tell anyone. Now, as for telling you how I get the fish to pose, that’s a secret! Thanks for commenting.

  4. Diane July 26, 2019 at 6:50 pm #

    Glad to hear you are having rain and such a good year for fishing.

    • Vic Bergman July 26, 2019 at 7:47 pm #

      Hi Diane,

      Yes, it’s great we have been getting some rain this summer. Things were pretty dry here the past two summers. There is some warm weather in the forecast for next week, though, so hopefully we’ll get more rain over the next month. Hope all is well with you and Len. Thanks for visiting!

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